Optimisation: Constraint Not Being Met? Don’t Panic! Here’s Your Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing It
Image by Jerick - hkhazo.biz.id

Optimisation: Constraint Not Being Met? Don’t Panic! Here’s Your Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing It

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Are you pulling your hair out trying to figure out why your optimisation algorithm isn’t meeting the constraints? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common reasons behind this frustrating issue and provide clear, actionable steps to get you back on track.

What are constraints, and why are they important?

In optimisation, constraints are limitations or boundaries that dictate the feasible region of the problem. They ensure that the solution meets the requirements and regulations of the problem domain. There are two types of constraints:

  • Equality constraints: These constraints require the solution to satisfy a specific equality, e.g., x + y = 10.
  • Inequality constraints: These constraints require the solution to satisfy a specific inequality, e.g., x + y ≤ 10.

Constraints are vital in optimisation because they help you find a solution that is not only optimal but also practical and realistic.

Why is my constraint not being met?

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s explore some common reasons why your constraint might not be being met:

  • Incorrect constraint formulation: You might have formulated the constraint incorrectly, leading to the algorithm ignoring it or misunderstanding its intent.
  • Insufficient computational resources: The algorithm might require more computational power or memory to solve the problem, especially when dealing with complex constraints.
  • Ill-conditioned problem: The problem itself might be ill-conditioned, making it difficult for the algorithm to converge to a solution that meets the constraints.
  • Suboptimal algorithm: The chosen algorithm might not be suitable for the problem, leading to suboptimal solutions that don’t meet the constraints.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Constraint Issues

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s work through a step-by-step guide to fix the issue:

Step 1: Review and Refine the Constraint Formulation

Double-check your constraint formulation to ensure it accurately reflects the problem requirements. Ask yourself:

  • Is the constraint correctly defined?
  • Are the variables correctly specified?
  • Are the bounds correctly set?

Make adjustments as needed to ensure the constraint is accurately represented.

Step 2: Increase Computational Resources

If you’re dealing with a computationally intensive problem, consider increasing the computational resources:

  • Upgrade your hardware to improve processing power and memory.
  • Use distributed computing or cloud services to scale up your computational resources.
  • Optimise your algorithm to reduce computational complexity.

Step 3: Regularise the Problem

If you suspect the problem is ill-conditioned, regularisation techniques can help:

  • Introduce a regularisation term to the objective function to reduce the impact of noise or irregularities.
  • Use a robust optimisation algorithm that can handle ill-conditioned problems.
  • Pre-process the data to reduce the dimensionality or improve the condition number.

Step 4: Choose the Right Algorithm

Select an algorithm that’s suitable for your problem type and constraint:

  • Linear programming algorithms (e.g., simplex method) for linear constraints.
  • Nonlinear programming algorithms (e.g., interior-point method) for nonlinear constraints.
  • Heuristics or metaheuristics (e.g., genetic algorithm) for complex, non-convex constraints.

Step 5: Monitor and Analyse the Optimisation Process

Keep a close eye on the optimisation process and analyse the results:

# Python code to monitor optimisation process
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def optimise(x):
    # Your optimisation algorithm here

x_history = []
f_history = []
for i in range(100):
    x, f = optimise(x)
    print(f"Iteration {i}: x = {x}, f = {f}")

plt.title("Optimisation Process")

This code snippet demonstrates how to track and visualise the optimisation process using Python and Matplotlib.

Step 6: Relax or Reformulate the Constraint (Optional)

If all else fails, consider relaxing or reformulating the constraint:

  • Relax the constraint by introducing slack variables or penalty terms.
  • Reformulate the constraint using a different mathematical representation or approximation.

This should be a last resort, as it may compromise the accuracy or feasibility of the solution.

Common Optimisation Algorithms for Constraint-Satisfaction

Here are some popular optimisation algorithms for constraint-satisfaction:

Algorithm Description
Linear Programming (LP) Solves linear objective functions with linear constraints.
Quadratic Programming (QP) Solves quadratic objective functions with linear constraints.
Nonlinear Programming (NLP) Solves nonlinear objective functions with nonlinear constraints.
Interior-Point Method (IPM) Solves linear and nonlinear programming problems with interior-point methods.
Genetic Algorithm (GA) Evolutionary algorithm for solving complex, non-convex optimisation problems.


Optimisation constraint issues can be frustrating, but by following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be well-equipped to identify and fix the problem. Remember to review your constraint formulation, increase computational resources, regularise the problem, choose the right algorithm, monitor the optimisation process, and relax or reformulate the constraint as a last resort. With patience and persistence, you’ll be able to find a solution that meets the constraints and optimises your objective function.

Happy optimising!

Additional Resources

For further learning and reference:

  • Wolsey, L. A. (1998). Integer Programming. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Boyd, S., & Vandenberghe, L. (2004). Convex Optimization. Cambridge University Press.
  • Python optimisation libraries: SciPy, Pyomo, CVXPY.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to optimize like a pro! Here are some frequently asked questions about constraints not being met, and how to fix them.

Why is my constraint not being met? Is it a math problem?

Don’t worry, it’s probably not a math problem! Check if you’ve correctly formulated your optimization problem. Review your objective function, decision variables, and constraints to ensure you haven’t missed anything. Also, verify that your solver is correctly configured and that you’re using the right algorithm for your problem type. Still stuck? Try breaking down your problem into smaller sub-problems to identify the issue.

I’ve checked everything, but my constraint is still not being met. What’s next?

Time to get detective-y! Inspect the solver’s output to see which constraint is being violated. Check the values of the decision variables and the constraint’s slack values to identify the source of the issue. You might need to adjust your model, add more constraints, or relax existing ones to achieve feasibility.

How do I prioritize my constraints to ensure the most important ones are met?

Prioritization is key! Use a hierarchical optimization approach, where you assign different weights or priorities to your constraints. This way, the solver will focus on meeting the most critical constraints first. Alternatively, you can use a lexicographic approach, where the solver satisfies one constraint at a time, in order of importance.

What if my constraint is non-linear or non-convex? How do I optimize that?

Non-linear and non-convex constraints can be tricky! You might need to use specialized solvers or algorithms designed for these types of problems, such as nonlinear programming (NLP) or mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) solvers. Alternatively, try to linearize or convexify your constraint using methods like piecewise-linear approximation or McCormick envelopes.

How do I debug my optimization model to identify constraint issues?

Debugging is an art! Use visualization tools to inspect your model’s structure and constraint relationships. Check the solver’s logs and output to identify which constraints are binding or violated. You can also try to simplify your model, removing or relaxing constraints to identify the root cause of the issue. And don’t forget to test your model with smaller instances or simplified data to isolate the problem.

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