Migrate Projections&quote; from Hibernate 5.X to Hibernate 6.X: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Jerick - hkhazo.biz.id

Migrate Projections"e; from Hibernate 5.X to Hibernate 6.X: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling with Hibernate 5.X and its outdated projections? Do you want to take advantage of the new features and improvements offered by Hibernate 6.X? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of migrating projections from Hibernate 5.X to Hibernate 6.X.

What’s Changed in Hibernate 6.X?

Before we dive into the migration process, let’s take a quick look at what’s changed in Hibernate 6.X. One of the most significant changes is the introduction of the new jakarta.persistence package, which replaces the old javax.persistence package. This change affects how we work with projections, so it’s essential to understand the implications.

New Projections API

In Hibernate 6.X, the projections API has been revamped to provide a more flexible and expressive way of working with projections. The new API is based on the jakarta.persistence.Tuple interface, which allows you to define a tuple of values that can be used in a query.


Preparing for Migration

Before you start migrating your projections, make sure you’ve prepared your project for the transition. Here are a few things to check:

  • Update your Hibernate version to 6.X in your pom.xml file (if you’re using Maven) or your build.gradle file (if you’re using Gradle).
  • Replace all instances of javax.persistence with jakarta.persistence in your code.
  • Update your dependencies to reflect the new package changes.

Migrating Projections

Now that you’ve prepared your project, it’s time to migrate your projections. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Update Your Query Structure

In Hibernate 6.X, the query structure has changed to accommodate the new projections API. You’ll need to update your queries to use the new Tuple interface.

// Old query structure (Hibernate 5.X)
Query<Object> query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("SELECT p.name, p.age FROM Person p");

// New query structure (Hibernate 6.X)
Query<Tuple> query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("SELECT p.name, p.age FROM Person p", Tuple.class);

Step 2: Define Your Tuple

In Hibernate 6.X, you’ll need to define a Tuple interface to specify the structure of your projection. This interface will define the properties and their corresponding getters and setters.

public interface PersonTuple extends Tuple {

    String getName();

    Integer getAge();

Step 3: Use Your Tuple in Your Query

Now that you’ve defined your Tuple interface, you can use it in your query to specify the projection structure.

Query<PersonTuple> query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("SELECT p.name, p.age FROM Person p", PersonTuple.class);

In this section, we’ll cover some common scenarios you may encounter during the migration process and provide solutions to help you overcome them.

Scenario 1: Migrating Existing Projections

If you have existing projections that use the old javax.persistence package, you’ll need to update them to use the new jakarta.persistence package.

// Old projection (Hibernate 5.X)
public class PersonProjection {
    private String name;
    private Integer age;
    // getters and setters

// New projection (Hibernate 6.X)
public interface PersonTuple extends Tuple {
    String getName();
    Integer getAge();

Scenario 2: Handling Multiple Projections

If you have multiple projections in your query, you’ll need to update them to use the new Tuple interface.

// Old query with multiple projections (Hibernate 5.X)
Query<Object> query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("SELECT p.name, p.age, p.address FROM Person p");

// New query with multiple projections (Hibernate 6.X)
Query<Tuple> query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("SELECT p.name, p.age, p.address FROM Person p", Tuple.class);

public interface PersonTuple extends Tuple {
    String getName();
    Integer getAge();
    String getAddress();

Best Practices and Tips

Here are some best practices and tips to keep in mind when migrating your projections to Hibernate 6.X:

  • Take advantage of the new Tuple interface to define your projection structure.
  • Use the jakarta.persistence package instead of the old javax.persistence package.
  • Update your queries to use the new query structure and Tuple interface.
  • Test your migrations thoroughly to ensure that they work as expected.


Migrating projections from Hibernate 5.X to Hibernate 6.X requires some effort, but with the right guidance, you can make the transition smoothly. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to take advantage of the new features and improvements offered by Hibernate 6.X.

Remember to update your queries to use the new Tuple interface and to define your projection structure accordingly. With a little practice and patience, you’ll be working with projections like a pro in no time!

.hibernate Version
Hibernate 5.X javax.persistence
Hibernate 6.X jakarta.persistence

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask. Happy migrating!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to migrate projections and quotes from Hibernate 5.X to Hibernate 6.X? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

What are the major changes in Hibernate 6.X that affect migration of projections and quotes?

Hibernate 6.X introduces significant changes, including the removal of Hibernate Spatial, changes to the Query API, and a new bootstrapping mechanism. These changes impact the way projections and quotes are used, making migration essential. Be prepared to refactor your code and adapt to the new API.

How do I migrate JPA 2.1-style projections to Hibernate 6.X?

In Hibernate 6.X, the JPA 2.1-style projections are no longer supported. Instead, use the `Selection` API to define projections. You’ll need to refactor your code to use the new API, which offers more flexibility and power. Take advantage of the new features to simplify your code and improve performance.

What is the equivalent of `ProjectionList` in Hibernate 6.X?

The `ProjectionList` class has been replaced by `CompositeSelection` in Hibernate 6.X. This new API allows you to combine multiple projections into a single projection, making it easier to work with complex data structures. Update your code to use `CompositeSelection` and take advantage of the improved functionality.

How do I handle quote characters in column names when migrating to Hibernate 6.X?

In Hibernate 6.X, the default quoting strategy has changed. You can use the `quote` method on the `org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect` interface to specify the quote character for column names. Update your code to use the new quoting strategy, and ensure that your column names are correctly quoted.

What are some best practices for migrating projections and quotes from Hibernate 5.X to Hibernate 6.X?

When migrating, it’s essential to thoroughly test your code, update your dependencies, and refactor your projections and quotes to use the new Hibernate 6.X API. Additionally, take advantage of the new features and improvements in Hibernate 6.X to simplify your code and improve performance. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and consider seeking guidance from a Hibernate expert.

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