Vanishing Acts: Understanding Why a Window Disappears after Exiting a Wish App in Tcl 8.6.14
Image by Jerick -

Vanishing Acts: Understanding Why a Window Disappears after Exiting a Wish App in Tcl 8.6.14

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Have you ever encountered the mysterious phenomenon where a window disappears into thin air after exiting a Wish app in Tcl 8.6.14? You’re not alone! This enigmatic behavior has left many developers scratching their heads, wondering what dark magic is at play. Fear not, brave programmer, for we shall unravel the mystery together.

The Scene of the Crime: Tcl 8.6.14 and Wish Apps

Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a powerful, open-source scripting language that has been delighting developers for decades. Wish, on the other hand, is a Tk-based interpreter that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for Tcl. When you create a Wish app, you’re essentially crafting a rich, interactive experience that leverages the strengths of both Tcl and Tk.

The Problem Statement: Window Disappears after Exit

Imagine you’ve developed a fantastic Wish app that showcases your creative prowess. You launch the app as a child process, and everything seems perfect. However, when you exit the app, the window vanishes without a trace, leaving you perplexed. You frantically search for clues, but the culprit remains elusive.

Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding the Cause

After conducting an exhaustive investigation, we’ve pinpointed the root cause of this issue. The disappearance of the window is linked to the way Wish apps are launched as child processes in Tcl 8.6.14. When you exit the app, the window is automatically destroyed, taking the child process with it.

But why does this happen, you ask? The answer lies in the way Tk handles window management. When a Wish app is launched as a child process, Tk creates a new, independent window that’s not tied to the parent process. When you exit the app, the window is closed, and the child process terminates, leaving no lasting impact on the parent process.

Solving the Puzzle: Strategies for Persistence

Now that we’ve identified the cause, let’s explore practical solutions to prevent the window from disappearing. We’ll provide three approaches to ensure your Wish app window remains intact after exit.

Approach 1: Using the `wm withdraw` Method

One clever technique is to use the `wm withdraw` method, which hides the window instead of destroying it. This allows the window to remain in memory, even after the app is exited.

proc hide_window {w} {
    wm withdraw $w

# Create a button to exit the app
button .exit -text "Exit" -command {hide_window .}

# Create a label to display a message
label .message -text "Window will not disappear after exit!"

Approach 2: Utilizing the `tkwait` Command

Another strategy involves using the `tkwait` command to pause execution until the window is closed. This ensures that the window remains open until the user explicitly closes it.

proc wait_for_window {w} {
    tkwait window $w

# Create a button to exit the app
button .exit -text "Exit" -command {wait_for_window .}

# Create a label to display a message
label .message -text "Window will remain open until closed!"

Approach 3: Employing the `vwait` Command

The third approach leverages the `vwait` command to wait for a variable to be set. This allows you to control the flow of execution and keep the window open until the desired condition is met.

proc wait_for_variable {var} {
    vwait $var
    # Perform additional actions here

# Create a button to exit the app
button .exit -text "Exit" -command {set ::exit_flag 1}

# Create a label to display a message
label .message -text "Window will remain open until variable is set!"

# Set the variable to trigger the vwait command
wait_for_variable ::exit_flag

Best Practices for Wish App Development

Now that we’ve explored solutions to prevent the window from disappearing, let’s discuss some best practices for Wish app development:

  1. Use meaningful window titles: Assign descriptive titles to your windows to help users identify them and prevent confusion.
  2. Implement window management: Develop a robust window management system to handle window creation, closure, and minimization.
  3. Test and iterate: Thoroughly test your Wish app to ensure it behaves as expected and make adjustments as needed.
  4. Consider using a GUI framework: Leverage GUI frameworks like Tk or Tile to simplify window management and reduce development time.


In this article, we’ve demystified the enigmatic behavior of disappearing windows in Tcl 8.6.14. By understanding the cause and implementing one of the three approaches outlined above, you can ensure that your Wish app window remains persistent even after exit.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. By following best practices and staying mindful of window management, you’ll craft Wish apps that delight and engage users. Happy coding!

Approach Description Code Snippet
Using wm withdraw Hides the window instead of destroying it proc hide_window {w} {wm withdraw $w}
Utilizing tkwait Pauses execution until the window is closed proc wait_for_window {w} {tkwait window $w}
Employing vwait Waits for a variable to be set proc wait_for_variable {var} {vwait $var}

This article is optimized for the keyword “In Tcl 8.6.14 a Window will disappear after exit a Wish App which was startet as a child process.”

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Tcl 8.6.14 and Wish App!

Why do windows disappear after exiting a Wish App started as a child process in Tcl 8.6.14?

This is due to the behavior of Wish, which is a Tk-based shell. When Wish is started as a child process, it doesn’t keep the event loop running, causing the window to disappear after exit. To prevent this, you can use the `vwait` command or `update` with a timeout to keep the event loop running.

Is there a way to keep the window open after exiting the Wish App?

Yes, you can use the `vwait forever` command at the end of your script to keep the window open even after the script has finished executing. This will prevent the window from disappearing.

What is the purpose of the `vwait` command in Tcl?

The `vwait` command is used to wait for a variable to change its value. It is often used to implement event-driven programming in Tcl. In the context of Wish, `vwait` can be used to keep the event loop running, preventing the window from disappearing.

Can I use `update` instead of `vwait` to keep the window open?

Yes, you can use `update` with a timeout to keep the window open. However, `update` will process events and return control to the script, whereas `vwait` will block until the variable changes. Depending on your specific use case, `update` might be a better option.

Are there any other considerations when using `vwait` or `update` to keep the window open?

Yes, be aware that using `vwait` or `update` can lead to performance issues or even hangs if not used carefully. Make sure to test your script thoroughly to ensure it doesn’t get stuck in an infinite loop.