Dndkit: Forcing an Item to Remain in Place in a Vertical Sortable List (and Beyond!)
Image by Jerick - hkhazo.biz.id

Dndkit: Forcing an Item to Remain in Place in a Vertical Sortable List (and Beyond!)

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky draggable items that just won’t stay put in your vertical sortable list? Do you find yourself pulling your hair out trying to figure out how to make that one item remain in place while the others can be freely sorted?

Fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Dndkit and explore the secrets of forcing an item to remain in place in a vertical sortable list. And, as a bonus, we’ll also touch on alternative DND libraries that can help you achieve the same result.

Why Force an Item to Remain in Place?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s talk about why you might want to force an item to remain in place in the first place. Here are a few scenarios:

  • Reserved slots**: In some cases, you might have specific slots in your list that are reserved for certain items. For example, you might have a “featured item” slot that always stays at the top of the list.
  • Fixed headers or footers**: You might have a list with a fixed header or footer that should never be moved or rearranged.
  • Static elements**: You might have specific elements in your list that should remain static, such as a “new item” button or a “filter” button.

Dndkit: The Default Behavior

By default, Dndkit allows users to drag and drop items in a vertical sortable list. This is achieved by wrapping each item in a `

` element with the `data-klass` attribute set to `”draggable”`.

<div data-klass="draggable">
    <!-- item content -->

When a user drags an item, Dndkit updates the item’s position in the list by swapping it with the item at the drop location. This is all well and good, but what if we want to force an item to remain in place?

Forcing an Item to Remain in Place with Dndkit

The solution lies in using the `data-klass` attribute with the value `”static”` instead of `”draggable”`. This tells Dndkit to treat the item as a static element that cannot be dragged or dropped.

<div data-klass="static">
    <!-- static item content -->

By setting the `data-klass` attribute to `”static”`, you’re essentially telling Dndkit to ignore the item when the user tries to drag it. The item will remain in place, even if the user tries to drag it to a new location.

Alternative DND Libraries

While Dndkit is a popular choice for building draggable lists, it’s not the only option out there. Here are a few alternative DND libraries that can help you achieve the same result:

React Beautiful DND

React Beautiful DND is a popular alternative to Dndkit. To force an item to remain in place, you can use the `isDragDisabled` prop on the `Draggable` component.

<Draggable isDragDisabled={true}>
    <!-- static item content -->

React Grid Layout

React Grid Layout is a powerful library for building grid-based interfaces. To force an item to remain in place, you can use the `static` prop on the `GridItem` component.

<GridItem static>
    <!-- static item content -->


SortableJS is a lightweight DND library that can be used with any JavaScript framework or library. To force an item to remain in place, you can use the `sort` option with the `disabled` property set to `true`.

        <!-- static item content -->
            Sortable.create(document.getElementById('static-item'), {
                sort: false

Troubleshooting and Edge Cases

While forcing an item to remain in place is a straightforward process, there are some edge cases and troubleshooting tips to keep in mind:

  • Multiple static items**: If you have multiple static items in your list, make sure to give each item a unique ID or key to prevent conflicts.
  • Nested lists**: If you have nested lists, ensure that the static item is not nested within another draggable list.
  • Custom events**: If you’re using custom events or plugins with your DND library, ensure that they don’t interfere with the static item’s behavior.


Forcing an item to remain in place in a vertical sortable list is a common requirement in many web applications. With Dndkit, you can achieve this by setting the `data-klass` attribute to `”static”`. Alternatively, you can use other DND libraries like React Beautiful DND, React Grid Layout, or SortableJS to achieve the same result.

Remember to keep an eye out for edge cases and troubleshooting tips to ensure a seamless user experience. With these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to building robust and intuitive draggable lists that meet your users’ needs.

DND Library Method
Dndkit `data-klass=”static”`
React Beautiful DND `isDragDisabled={true}`
React Grid Layout `static` prop
SortableJS `sort: false`

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Got stuck while trying to force an item to remain in place in a vertical sortable list using Dndkit? Worry not, friend! We’ve got you covered with these FAQs.

How can I prevent an item from being dragged or moved in a vertical sortable list using Dndkit?

You can achieve this by adding a CSS class to the item you want to remain in place and setting the `draggable` attribute to `false`. For example, you can add a class like `.static-item` to the item and then add the following CSS: `.static-item { pointer-events: none; }`. This will prevent the item from being dragged or moved.

Is there a way to achieve this using other DnD libraries like React Beautiful DND or React Grid Layout?

Yes, you can! In React Beautiful DND, you can use the `isDragDisabled` function to disable dragging for a specific item. For example, you can pass a function that returns `true` for the item you want to remain in place. In React Grid Layout, you can use the `isDraggable` property and set it to `false` for the item you want to remain static.

Can I use a combination of Dndkit and another library to achieve this?

Absolutely! You can use Dndkit for the vertical sortable list and another library like React Beautiful DND or React Grid Layout to handle the dragging and dropping of items. Just make sure to follow the documentation for each library and ensure compatibility.

How do I handle the situation where I want to allow some items to be dragged and others to remain in place?

You can achieve this by adding a condition to check the type of item being dragged. For example, you can add a data attribute to the items that should remain in place and then check for that attribute in the `onDragStart` or `onDragEnd` events. If the item has the attribute, you can set `event.cancel = true` to prevent the item from being dragged.

Are there any performance implications when using this approach?

The performance implications are minimal, as you’re only adding a CSS class and a conditional check to the items. However, if you have a large number of items, it’s essential to ensure that your conditional check is optimized and doesn’t cause any performance bottlenecks.

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