Unlocking the Power of Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery: A Step-by-Step Guide to Filtering
Image by Jerick - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery: A Step-by-Step Guide to Filtering

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Are you ready to tap into the vast repository of patent data made available by Google? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the world of patent data analysis using BigQuery. We’ll delve into the intricacies of filtering Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery, empowering you to uncover hidden insights and unlock new opportunities.

What is Google Public Patent Data?

Google Public Patent Data is a comprehensive dataset of patent information made available by Google through its BigQuery platform. This dataset comprises over 120 million patent records from various patent offices around the world, including the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The dataset contains a wealth of information, including patent application and grant data, inventor and assignee information, patent citations, and more.

Why Filter Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery?

With such a vast amount of data at your fingertips, filtering is crucial to extract meaningful insights and reduce the noise. By applying filters, you can:

  • Identify trends and patterns in patent filing and grant activity
  • Analyze the patent portfolio of specific companies or inventors
  • Uncover emerging technologies and innovation hotspots

Getting Started with BigQuery

Before we dive into filtering Google Public Patent Data, let’s quickly cover the basics of getting started with BigQuery:

  1. Create a Google Cloud account and enable the BigQuery service
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one
  3. Enable the Google Public Patent Data dataset by navigating to the BigQuery console and clicking on “Explore” > “Public datasets” > “Google Public Patent Data”

Filtering Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery

Now that we have our dataset enabled, let’s explore the various ways to filter Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery. We’ll start with basic filtering techniques and gradually move on to more advanced methods.

Basic Filtering

BigQuery provides a simple and intuitive filtering mechanism using the `WHERE` clause. Let’s filter patents by country:

FROM `public-patent-data.patents`
WHERE country_code = 'US';

This query filters patents from the United States (country code ‘US’). You can modify the `WHERE` clause to filter by other criteria, such as patent office, application date, or assignee name.

Filtering by Date Ranges

Filtering by date ranges is a crucial aspect of patent data analysis. Let’s filter patents granted between 2010 and 2015:

FROM `public-patent-data.patents`
WHERE grant_date BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2015-12-31';

This query filters patents granted within the specified date range. You can modify the date range to filter by other time periods.

Filtering by Assignee and Inventor Information

Let’s filter patents assigned to a specific company or individual:

FROM `public-patent-data.patents`
WHERE assignee_name = 'Google LLC';

This query filters patents assigned to Google LLC. You can modify the `assignee_name` filter to filter by other companies or individuals.

Filtering by Patent Status

Filtering by patent status can help you identify active or expired patents. Let’s filter active patents:

FROM `public-patent-data.patents`
WHERE status = 'ACTIVE';

This query filters active patents. You can modify the `status` filter to filter by other patent statuses, such as ‘EXPIRED’ or ‘ABANDONED’.

Advanced Filtering Techniques

Now that we’ve covered basic filtering techniques, let’s explore more advanced methods using BigQuery’s powerful filtering capabilities.

Filtering by Patent Classifications

FROM `public-patent-data.patents`
WHERE ANY (patent_classifications) = 'G06F16/90';

This query filters patents classified under the G06F16/90 patent classification. You can modify the `patent_classifications` filter to filter by other classifications.

Filtering by Keyword Search

FROM `public-patent-data.patents`
WHERE REGEXP_CONTAINS(abstract, r'Machine Learning|AI');

This query filters patents with abstracts containing the keywords ‘Machine Learning’ or ‘AI’. You can modify the regular expression pattern to filter by other keywords.

Best Practices for Filtering Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery

To get the most out of filtering Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery, follow these best practices:

  • Use specific and targeted filters to reduce data volume and improve query performance
  • Leverage BigQuery’s caching mechanism to improve query performance
  • Use regular expressions for keyword searches to improve filtering accuracy
  • Combine multiple filters using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) to create complex filtering criteria
  • Validate and test your filters to ensure accuracy and relevance


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of filtering Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery. By mastering these filtering techniques, you’ll unlock new insights and opportunities in patent data analysis. Remember to follow best practices, experiment with different filtering approaches, and stay tuned for new developments in patent data analysis.

Filtering Technique Example Query
Basic Filtering SELECT * FROM `public-patent-data.patents` WHERE country_code = 'US';
Filtering by Date Ranges SELECT * FROM `public-patent-data.patents` WHERE grant_date BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2015-12-31';
Filtering by Assignee and Inventor Information SELECT * FROM `public-patent-data.patents` WHERE assignee_name = 'Google LLC';
Filtering by Patent Status SELECT * FROM `public-patent-data.patents` WHERE status = 'ACTIVE';
Filtering by Patent Classifications SELECT * FROM `public-patent-data.patents` WHERE ANY (patent_classifications) = 'G06F16/90';
Filtering by Keyword Search SELECT * FROM `public-patent-data.patents` WHERE REGEXP_CONTAINS(abstract, r'Machine Learning|AI');

Happy filtering, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Filtering Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about filtering Google Public Patent Data in BigQuery? We’ve got answers!

What is the Google Public Patent Data dataset in BigQuery?

The Google Public Patent Data dataset in BigQuery is a comprehensive dataset of patent data from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It provides access to over 12 million patent grants and 4 million patent applications, with data going back to 1976. This dataset is perfect for inventors, researchers, and businesses looking to analyze and visualize patent trends, identify opportunities, and gain insights into the patent landscape.

How do I filter patent data by date range in BigQuery?

To filter patent data by date range in BigQuery, you can use the `DATE` function and specify the date range you’re interested in. For example, to filter patents granted between 2010 and 2020, you can use the following query: `SELECT * FROM `patents-public-data.patents` WHERE DATE(grant_date) BETWEEN ‘2010-01-01’ AND ‘2020-12-31’`. This will return all patents granted within that date range.

Can I filter patent data by inventor or assignee in BigQuery?

Yes, you can filter patent data by inventor or assignee in BigQuery! The `patents-public-data.patents` table includes columns for inventor names and assignee names. You can use the `LIKE` operator or `CONTAINS` function to filter by these columns. For example, to filter patents assigned to Google LLC, you can use the following query: `SELECT * FROM `patents-public-data.patents` WHERE assignee LIKE ‘%Google LLC%’`. This will return all patents assigned to Google LLC.

How do I filter patent data by technology area or category in BigQuery?

To filter patent data by technology area or category in BigQuery, you can use the `IPC` (International Patent Classification) or `USPC` (United States Patent Classification) columns. These columns contain codes that categorize patents by technology area. You can use the `LIKE` operator or `CONTAINS` function to filter by these codes. For example, to filter patents related to artificial intelligence, you can use the following query: `SELECT * FROM `patents-public-data.patents` WHERE ipc LIKE ‘%G06N%’`. This will return all patents related to artificial intelligence.

Can I combine multiple filters in BigQuery to narrow down my patent search?

Yes, you can combine multiple filters in BigQuery to narrow down your patent search! You can use the `AND` and `OR` operators to combine multiple conditions. For example, to filter patents granted between 2010 and 2020, assigned to Google LLC, and related to artificial intelligence, you can use the following query: `SELECT * FROM `patents-public-data.patents` WHERE DATE(grant_date) BETWEEN ‘2010-01-01’ AND ‘2020-12-31’ AND assignee LIKE ‘%Google LLC%’ AND ipc LIKE ‘%G06N%’`. This will return all patents that meet all three conditions.